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Website: correctivechiro
Business: Corrective Chiropractic
Phone: 302.234.1115
Provider's Blog
Simple Ways to Keep Your Immune System Strong!
Most people think of a common cold as a viral or bacterial attack on the body. However, colds can begin because of something as simple as water in the lungs. Have you ever taken an ice-cold glass of water outside in a 90-degree day? Condensation immediately forms on the outside of the glass. As colder temperatures come closer, many people experience just that: condensation of water forming on the inside of the small alveoli of the lungs as their body fights to keep its core temperature around 98.6 degrees. Alveoli are tiny sacs filled with air. Thousands of these tiny sacs (alveoli) work together to create the function of the lungs. Because of this condensation, these alveoli of the lungs then become dysfunctional inevitably making it more difficult to breathe. This additional moisture in the lungs also causes histamine levels to increase, and serotonin levels to decrease. These chemicals are made by our body, and help regulate our moods, allergies, and the power of the immune system. Decreased oxygen levels create an acidic environment which also significantly decreases the optimal effectiveness of our immune system. This whole scenario allows for viral and bacterial overgrowth. Let’s first discuss what things to avoid, allowing our bodies to function better. •Stop eating big meals Consuming too much food puts extra stress on the Digestive system. Increased digestion takes a lot of the body’s metabolic energy, leaving very little energy for the immune system. •Avoid Processed Foods and sugars An increased intake in processed sugars allows bacteria to harbor growth. In fact, 8 tablespoons of sugar (the average amount found in a can of soda) can drop the immune system a whopping 400%! These sugars include, but are not limited to aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and sucralose (Splenda). Here are some healthy tips on how you can bolster your immune system: •Consume whole foods containing Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamin C. Great sources of these in foods include but are not limited to leafy greens, lima beans, avocados, green vegetables, broccoli, and homemade soups. •Drink non-caffeinated hot teas with lemons (herbal, green, white, and ginger). These are great immune boosters that facilitate the reduction of inflammation and swelling within the body. •Increase water intake with lemon. Water helps to flush out toxins in the body, and hydrate all of your cells, muscles, ligaments, discs, and organs. •Anything with lemons, papaya, and pineapple. These 3 fruits are excellent for changing the pH environment in the mouth, throat, and digestive system, as well as help kill and prevent further growth of bacteria and viruses. •Wearing a hat and coat even when the temperature is 55 degrees or below you will help the body maintain its core temperature, which will require less energy – leaving more energy for your immune system
Submitted on: 2/25/2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Office Location and Hours:
Corrective Chiropractic
7503-A Lancaster Pike 
Hockessin, DE, 19707, 
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Office Hours - notes
Mon:7:30 - 5:30
Tue:12 - 6:30
Wed:7:30 - 5:30
Thu:12 - 6:30
Fri:7:30 - 12pm
Sat: Closed
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