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Website: gbatista
Business: Platinum Nutritionals
Provider's Blog
Coronavirus Uncovered Update
by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

This is an update to my first blog about Covid 19. As the government is scrambling to produce test kits and control the spread, they are not talking about real viral prevention and all of the groups who are immuno-suppressed. Let's review the basics beyond hand washing and social isolation.

Real prevention begins with what you eat - create or follow your Spring cleaning dietary rules by removing all processed food, sugars and alcohol. Viruses feed on sugar. So does cancer.

Stay hydrated. Bathe your throat with water every 15-20 minutes as this pushes any viral particles down to the stomach where it is eliminated by stomach acid.

My go to list includes Xymogen's Vitamin D3 5000 iu (soy free), ProbioMax DF 1 cap per day, Viragraphis - 2 caps per day, Immunotix 500 - 1-2 caps per day, Selenium in a multi-vitamin ActivNutrients or 2 Brazil nuts per day, Colloidal Silver 2 ounces per day increase if you are getting sick to 2 ounces every 2 hours, GlutAloeMine - 1 serving per day, NAC or S-Acetyl Glutathione - 2 caps per day and MTHFR for those who are homozygous (you know who you are - bad mother fers)

OCD hand washing at its finest. Now OCders can be insiders and not outsiders. Wearing a mask is now fashionable. Thank god we don't have to shake hands anymore. I never liked it considering everything someone touches transmits onto your hands. When you get home, leave your shoes near the front door then wash your hands right away. People still spit on the sidewalk so don't traipse the germs all over the house. Spray liberally with essential oils on all surfaces including cloth as the virus lives up to 12 hours on surfaces. A sneeze projects the virus 10 feet before landing.

Now that schools are closed and many are working from home - make quality family time and invent new projects. Put the kids to work with cleaning and organizing projects. After they wash their hands they can do food prep. This is community building at its best. A healthy community works together to ensure community health. Every family is a community.

Ozonated water if you have a generator. 8-10 ounces everyday. And OzoVita ozonated capsules. 2 every day and increase to 4 or 6 if becoming ill.

Remember, ozone kills Coronavirus as proven in China. I contacted the governors of NY and NJ to offer my ozone consulting services for free - so far all I've heard is crickets. We could create ozone tents after people are testing to stop the spread. In the meantime, you want to take ozonated gel capsules while we wait for the government to recognize that ozone is an effective tool against many pathogens. The virus is lasting longer than expected. Patients who tested positive a month ago are still testing positive.

Anyone who eats a standard American diet is immuno-suppressed. Anyone who is undergoing chemo, antibiotics, steroid therapy, immune therapies and so on. All acute and chronic Lymers, cancer patients, alcoholics, homeless, drug users street and pharmaceuticals, all autoimmune conditions including Type I and Type II diabetes, asthma and all lung conditions, competitive athletes, older people, those with chronic infections of all kinds (HIV, Hep C, sinus infections, lymphomas, EBV and Lyme co-infections), even getting a tattoo can affect your immune function, all who take those advertised medications on T.V. for psoriasis, patient who take botox injections, those with chronic allergies, those with chronic bowel disease, and anyone with breast implants, butt implants and any other kind of implant are at higher risk. Think about your lifestyle behaviors. Now is the time to assess them and change.
Submitted on: 3/21/2020
Friday, May 8, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2020
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