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Provider Site:  drmikeurban - (change)
Provider Information:
Website: drmikeurban
Business: Urban Chiropractic
Phone: 440-895-9595
About Us

This practice focuses on the alleviation of pain and the restoration of function. I work primarily with neuromusculoskeletal pain, that is, pain that originates in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. I also treat many people suffering with nerve pain as it relates to musculoskeletal conditions such as disc herniations and nerve entrapment syndromes

Meet our staff

Office Location and Hours:
Urban Chiropractic
20102 Center Ridge Road Lower
Rocky River, OH, 44116-3533, 
    Contact Us
Office Hours - notes
Mon:12 - 6
Tue:8 - 7
Wed:10 - 4
Thu:8 - 7
Fri:8 - 12
Sat:By Appt - Appt
Sun: -
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