To Order, Call (888) 821-8808
Provider Site:  drmikeurban - (change)
Provider Information:
Website: drmikeurban
Business: Urban Chiropractic
Phone: 440-895-9595
Meet Our Staff

Tara: Office Manager

If you would like to call Tara to place your order instead of online or have any questions to relay to Dr. Urban, please do so at

Office Location and Hours:
Urban Chiropractic
20102 Center Ridge Road Lower
Rocky River, OH, 44116-3533, 
    Contact Us
Office Hours - notes
Mon:12 - 6
Tue:8 - 7
Wed:10 - 4
Thu:8 - 7
Fri:8 - 12
Sat:By Appt - Appt
Sun: -
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